IPS 959 - Sharing and Accessing Granular Administrative Data
Category: IPSParticipants

There have been various initiatives at the global level recently to facilitate the use of granular data, which are opening new opportunities for policy makers. At the same time, these data also create significant challenges, in particular for managing the quality of the source information and creating accurate and relevant statistics at different aggregation levels. In Europe, for instance, the IReF implementation will face significant challenges in terms of organisational challenges, data collection, compilation and dissemination. Turning to data users, the recent expansion in data collection, data availability and computing power has resulted in corresponding growth in the empirical grounding of research and policymaking. In particular, more and more institutions are making their granular data available to internal analysts as well as external researchers and counterpart institutions based on proper data sharing agreements and processes (eg statistical disclosure controls), in turn raising important data governance implications.
This session will review the experience of statistical and prudential supervision authorities dealing with granular data, focusing on data quality management and processing as well as on ways to enhance the access to and sharing of granular data. The presentations will review existing best practices, as well as the challenges faced and the new opportunities provided by technical innovation.
The session will be organised in close cooperation with INEXDA, the International Network for Exchanging Experience on Statistical Handling of Granular Data that comprises a group of central banks, several NSOs and international organisations.