64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

IPS 182 - Impact of Statistical Computing Techniques on Statistical Capacity Building in Africa

Category: IPS
Monday 17 July 10 a.m. - noon (Canada/Eastern) (Expired) Room 214

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Statistical computing, is the interface between statistics and computer science. Experiences have shown that statistical computing aid teaching of statistics to statisticians and non-statisticians especially in developed countries while in African countries statistical computing for statistical capacity building is low among students and researchers in the field of statistics.

Statistical computing techniques are critical in training and building the statistical capacity of students and researchers in statistical fields or other fields of human endevours. Through statistical computing techniques, the students acquire practical skills for handling data, managing data, analyzing data and learning other basic skills at the statistical capacity building events organized by International Association Statistical Computing (IASC)-African Members Group and Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (LISA) 2020 stat labs. While Researchers from other fields are provided with required statistical computing skills on study design, data collection, analysis and result interpretation.

Important questions that comes to mind are: How are the statistical capacity building events and programme training students and researchers to become effective statistical data analyst? How are the capacity programme helping students to move between theory in the classroom and practice to solve real life problems? How are these statistical capacity building with statistical computing techniques serves the research needs in health, Agriculture, economics  and education etc? how are these statistical capacity building in helping to improve statistical skills and literacy in African countries? How are these statistical computing skills helping in preparing students to become entrepreneurs in statistics after schooling?

Organiser: Dr Monday Osagie Adenomon

Chair: Dr Christophe Croux

Speaker: Dr Hope Ifeyinwa Mbachu

Speaker Benjamin Odoi

Speaker: Justine N. Mbukwa

Discussant: Dr Anthony Ekpo

Discussant: Timothy Ogunleye

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