» Congress Schedule
In one overview: The WSC Scientific & Special Programme.
This session is sponsored by the journal Statistics in Biosciences (https://www.springer.com/journal/12561). The speakers will showcase their recent statistical developments motivated by real world challenges from biomedical sciences. Specifically, the talks will be on statistical methods for disease risk prediction from population genetic information, method selection for testing conditional independence of failure and truncation times, estimating center effects by survival probability, and dynamic survival models for time-dependent exposures. All the speakers have confirmed their intention to attend the conference. Listed below are the names of the speakers and talk titles.
1. Hongyu Zhao (hongyu.zhao@yale.edu; Yale University), “Statistical Methods to Predict Disease Risk from Genetic Information Across Diverse Populations”
2. Jing Ning (jning@mdanderson.org, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center), "Conditional Independence Test of Failure and Truncation Times: Essential Tool for Method Selection”
3. Doug Schaubel (douglas.schaubel@pennmedicine.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania), "Prognostic score-based methods for estimating center effects based on survival probability"
4. Mengling Liu (Mengling.Liu@nyulangone.org, New Your University), "Dynamic single-index survival model for time-dependent environmental exposures”
Organiser: Prof. Xiaoquiong Joan Hu
Chair: Prof. Xiaoquinon Joan Hu
Speaker: Dr Hongyu Zhao
Speaker: Mengling Liu
Speaker: Dr Jing Ning
Speaker: Doug Schaubel
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