64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

IPS 502 - Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award Session 2023

Category: IPS
Tuesday 18 July 2 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. (Canada/Eastern) (Expired) Room 103

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The Bernoulli Society organizes a New Researcher Award for active researchers of mathematical statistics who are members of the Bernoulli Society and have received their PhD within the last 5 years. The main goal of this award is to increase the academic involvement of new researchers in Bernoulli Society and other related academic societies. For the New Researcher Award 2023, the award committee has chosen the following young researchers for the award:

Edgar Dobriban (University of Pennsylvania)
Qiyang Han (Rutgers University)
Lucas Janson (Harvard University)

Organiser: Prof. Sebastian Engelke 

Chair: PROF. DR. Adam Jakubowski

Speaker: Edgar Dobriban 

Speaker: Prof. Lucas Janson 

Speaker: Dr Qiyang Han 

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