64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

IPS 249 - The role of official statistics in the fight against disinformation.

Category: IPS
Monday 17 July 4 p.m. - 5:25 p.m. (Canada/Eastern) (Expired) Room 215

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Disinformation is one of the major challenges that societies worldwide face today. It affects everyone involved in the democratic process, from governmental offices, politicians, the media, to citizens. Its spread has disrupted democratic elections, diplomatic relations and, recently, has endangered public health. Official statistics producers are not immune to this epidemic. Many have been targeted by individuals and organisations questioning the credibility of official statistics or even that of official statistics producers themselves. Democratic societies cannot function properly without a solid basis of reliable and objective statistics. Disinformation continues to represent a serious risk to our societies and its instigators' tools and tactics are becoming increasingly sophisticated. It is therefore more important than ever for official statistics producers to maintain their reputation and to reassert their role as providers of trustworthy, independent and high quality statistics. This session will look at the issue of disinformation in the context of official statistics, present the main problems related to disinformation as experienced by national and international organisations, and give an overview of the most effective responses, including strategies and tools employed by statistical organisations, in the process of combatting the spread of ‘fake news’.

Organiser: Mr Lukasz Augustyniak 

Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Mariana Kotzeva

Speaker: Olga Świerkot-Strużewska 

Speaker: Dr Stephen MacFeely

Speaker: Viveka Palm

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