65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

› National Advisory Committee


Joost Huurman
Fabienne Fortanier Director of Statistics, de Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank)

Bas Overtoom Director Data & Analytics, KPMG Nederland

Peter Werkhoven Chief Scientist TNO and Professor Universiteit Utrecht

Roeland Beerten Chief Statistician, National Bank of Belgium

Casper Albers Chair of the Netherlands Statistical Society (VVS-OR) en Research Director, University of Groningen
Barteld Braaksma

Eric Schulte Nordholt

Mark de Haan

Carina Fransen
Xuming He ISI President 

Conchita Kleijweg ISI Director

Shabani Mehta ISI Events Director

For more details on registrations and submissions for the 65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025, please first login to your account. If you do not have an account then you can create one below:

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