IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

Terms and Conditions

In registering for the IAOS-ISI 2024 Mexico Conference (referred to as the “event” or the “Conference”), the attendee agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The attendees are responsible for reading and understanding these before registering for the Conference on the official website provided for it. Use of said website constitutes agreement with the following terms and conditions.

INEGI, ISI, or IAOS (henceforth referred to as the “organizers”) may (at their sole discretion) change the format (including, without limitation, from a physical in-person event to a virtual event and vice versa), speakers, participants, content, venue location and program or any other aspect of the event at any time due to a Force Majeure Event (as defined below), without liability.

Upon gaining knowledge of any changes, the attendees may decide to cancel their participation, with the Cancellation and Substitutions Policy (defined below) being applicable.

Registration process
Upon payment of registration fees, attendees can access the Conference venue for scientific sessions and other meetings/events from May 15-17, 2024. Attendees must register via the online registration system and pay via bank transfer or credit card. More details, including the deadlines for early bird rates and regular fees, can be found on the IAOS-ISI 2024 Mexico Conference website and the registration page. Fees are in the US Dollar currency. Registration for the Conference is guaranteed when the fee payment is made in full.

All attendees must pay the registration fee, including session chairs, speakers, and discussants. The registration fee includes participation in the Conference's scientific program, lunches, coffee breaks, the Welcome Reception on the 15th of May, the Official Dinner on the 16th of May, and conference materials, should there be any. Registration does not include such things as travel and accommodation. Attendees are responsible for arranging their travel and accommodation.

Once payment has been received, an email confirmation and a receipt will be sent. There will not be any on-site fee payment services available. Payment must be received and processed by the event date, or registration will be canceled. Payment may be made online (with debit/ credit card) or by bank transfer. PLEASE INSTRUCT YOUR BANK THAT ALL TRANSACTION COSTS ARE AT THE PAYER'S EXPENSE.

Accompanying people
Accompanying people do not participate in the Conference sessions, and their registration fee includes participation in the Welcome Reception and the Official Dinner.

Obligations of the participants
The Attendees are fully responsible for all statements and materials presented during the Conference. They are obligated to ensure that all statements and presentations they make during the Conference follow the law and do not infringe upon third parties' rights or personal interests.

Cancellations and Substitutions Policy
Cancellations and substitutions must be submitted in writing to info@iaos-isi2024.mx. Substitutions may be made before the 30th of April 2024, at the latest. The refund will be processed, minus bank charges, based on the following conditions:

Cancel by Refund percentage
15 January 2024 100%
15 February 2024 50%
30 March 2024 25%
From 1 April 2024 No refund given

If a registered attendee does not cancel and fails to attend the Conference no refund will be issued.

Conference cancellation
Should the event be postponed or pivoted from live to virtual, your registration will automatically roll over to the new date and platform. If the event is canceled, a full refund will be issued within 4 months after the notification of event cancellation.

Liability will be limited to the amount of the fee paid by the attendee. There will not be any additional liability to the organizers, or any individual associated with the event's organization.

Data protection
By submitting registration details, attendees agree to allow the Conference organizers to contact them regarding their participation.

For more detailed information, please visit:

ISI’s conduct policy: Individual Conduct Policy
ISI Privacy policy: ISI Privacy Policy
GDPR: Data Protection Policy 


Force Majeure
The organizers shall not be held responsible or liable for any delay or failure in performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, earthquakes, unseasonably extreme weather, strikes, labor disputes, inability to secure sufficient labor, civil, governmental or military authority, government requisitions, restrictions or regulations on travel, facility availability, commodities or supplies, civil disturbance, transportation, acts of terrorism or threats of terrorism, acts of war, accidents, epidemics, disasters, the unavailability of the venue or any other cause beyond its reasonable control.

If the Conference cannot be held or is postponed pursuant to this section, the organizers shall not be liable to the attendee for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodations costs, or financial losses.

All matters related to the organization of the Conference are subject to Mexican law.

Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that all attendees take out personal travel and medical insurance to cover any costs they may incur while attending the event.

Emergency Contact
The attendees are responsible for specifying an emergency contact in the registration form or their personal profile on the Conference’s website.

Release of Liability
The organizers will not be liable for any event arising from a fortuitous, external, sudden, and violent cause that the attendees may suffer during the event, being released from any responsibility.

Behavior Policy
All Conference attendees are expected to behave in a respectful and appropriate manner. Harassment, discrimination, and any unacceptable behavior that disrupts the event will not be tolerated. The event organizers reserve the right to expel anyone who violates these policies without refund.


For more details on registrations and submissions for the IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City, please first login to your account. If you do not have an account then you can create one below: