IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

Nowcasting in Official Statistics

Course content
  • Importance of nowcasting in official statistics.
  • A brief review of econometric time series.
  • Some data treatments and statistical tools in nowcasting.
  • Dynamic Factor Models and a nowcasting approach in official statistics.
Learning outcomes
  • Learning about modern nowcasting techniques in the context of official statistics: advantages and limitations.
Programming Language
  • R programming language.
Target group
  • Staff of NSOs with some knowledge of time series and R.
Course Schedule
  • Overview of nowcasting: purpose and difference with forecasting (30min).
  • Brief review of time series analysis, including main concepts as trend-cycle, seasonal, noise, stationarity, and non-stationarity (2h).
  • Nowcasting tools: seasonal adjustment, non-traditional information, partial least squares, ARIMA models, and cross-validation in time series (2.5h).
  • Nowcasting approach: Dynamic Factor Models and timely estimates of economic activity (3h).
  • Francisco Corona, INEGI.
  • René Benavidez, INEGI.
  • José Lecuanda, INEGI.
How to register
  • All persons interested in taking part in the course are therefore kindly requested to send a letter of intent explaining the reasons for choosing this course. Make sure to include your contact information and relevant experience.
  • Please send your letter to: franciscoj.corona@inegi.org.mx

For more details on registrations and submissions for the IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City, please first login to your account. If you do not have an account then you can create one below: