65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

Innovations in Social and Demographic Statistics


Jurate Petrauskiene


  • B
    Dr Misha V. Belkindas

  • BZ
    Baiba Zukula
  • Innovation in social and demographic statistics in Latvia

  • LB
    Mrs Lidija Brković
  • Further improvement and developments in social and demographic statistics

  • T
    Mr Tobias Thomas
  • Collaboration with researchers: Household panel survey for better understanding of our society

  • IM
    Dr Inga Masiulaityte-Sukevic
  • Development of social and demographic statistics in Lithuania

  • DR
    Prof. Dominik Rozkrut
  • Development of social and demographic statistics in Poland

  • HI
    DRS Hanneke Imbens
  • CBS innovation efforts in producing “beta products”

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)

    Proposal Description

    Each country has created a future strategy for improving social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being. The strategy helps to understand what goals to achieve and how NSOs should react to increasing demand for quality statistics. However, the question arises: do national statistical offices (NSOs) have all the data for measuring well-being? If the NSOs do not satisfy user needs, the lack of information is compensated by other sources: sociology institutes, public opinion research centers, private research companies, etc.
    Researchers, politicians, and other users prefer to have statistics of good quality and often turn to the NSO first. What could NSO offer for the user?
    This session provides suggestions for the use of innovation data production in social and demographic statistics to satisfy user needs.
    The final goal is to ensure that innovation data, indicators, and analysis provide useful information for decision-makers while ensuring that trust and confidentiality are preserved.
    During this session, NSOs will present their experience in the innovation of social and demographic statistics: experimental statistics, customise surveys, long-term panel surveys, and other developments.