65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

Innovative Approaches to Developing and Compiling Globalisation Statistics


Agne Bikauskaite


  • GP
    Mr Georgios Papadopoulos

  • BL
    Dr Bart Loog
  • Unlocking the puzzle: European business statistics in the context of global value chains and enterprise organisation

  • AB
    Agne Bikauskaite
  • The impact of the foreign direct investments in the EU by immediate and ultimate investor

  • ML
    Mirco Lattwein
  • Measuring foreign direct investments by the ultimate host economy

  • KH
    Mrs Kristy Howell
  • The effects of foreign affiliates on environmental sustainability in cross-border enterprises: A statistical perspective

  • TC
    Thomas Cernohous
  • Foreign direct investment statistics by type: Challenges identifying greenfield investment

  • NS
    Mr Niels Schoeters

  • NS
    Mr Nikola Sunjka

  • FS
    Ms Francesca Spinelli

  • Category: International Statistical Institute

    Proposal Description

    This conference session aims to delve into innovative methodologies and strategies for developing and compiling statistics pertinent to the globalisation of businesses. The session focuses on five distinct yet interconnected topics that are in the spotlight of the globalisation discourse. These topics not only shed light on the evolving nature of global business dynamics but also provide valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders across diverse domains.
    The first topic, "Unlocking the Puzzle: European Business Statistics in the Context of Global Value Chains and Enterprise Organisation", delves into the intricate web of global value chains and organisational structures within the European business landscape. By analysing these complex interrelationships, this topic seeks to uncover key patterns, trends, and challenges that influence the global competitiveness of European enterprises.
    The second topic, "The Impact of Foreign Direct Investments in the EU by Immediate and Ultimate Investors", delves into the multifaceted realm of foreign direct investments (FDI) and their ramifications on the European Union. By distinguishing between immediate and ultimate investors, this topic aims to provide a nuanced understanding of FDI dynamics, capital flows, and their implications to national economies.
    The third topic, “Measuring Foreign Direct Investments by the Ultimate Host Economy”, discusses importance of identifying the ultimate destination of the investments on outward FDI. The challenges in producing FDI statistics by ultimate host economy indicates the need of further developments and cooperation with other globalisation related statistics.
    Moving towards a more sustainable perspective, the fourth topic, "The Effects of Foreign Affiliates on Environmental Sustainability in Cross-Border Enterprises: A Statistical Perspective", explores the nexus between foreign affiliates and environmental sustainability within the countries. Through statistical lens, this topic aims to assess the environmental impacts of foreign subsidiaries, thus paving the way for informed policy interventions aimed at achieving environmental sustainability goals.
    Lastly, the fifth topic, "Foreign Direct Investment Statistics by Type: Challenges Identifying Greenfield Investment" addresses the complexities associated with identifying and analysing greenfield FDI. Greenfield investments play a pivotal role in driving economic transformation and technological advancements. However, their identification and measurement pose significant challenges, which this topic seeks to elucidate through innovative statistical approaches.
    These five topics are of paramount importance not only to EU Member States but also to non-EU countries and international organisations. The insights garnered from these discussions are crucial for enhancing data quality, comparability, and relevance in the context of globalisation statistics. By fostering dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, this session aims to catalyse new ideas and methodological recommendations that can help better capture and understand the dynamics of globalisation in the modern business landscape.
    Finally, this session offers a unique opportunity to engage with cutting-edge empirical analyses and best practices in the realm of globalisation statistics. Participants can expect to gain valuable insights, foster meaningful collaborations, and contribute towards advancing the agenda of evidence-based policymaking and decision-making in the era of global interconnectedness.