64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Innovative Nonregular Approaches to Statistical Modelling for Complex Data


Prof. Tsung-I Lin


  • L
    Prof. Tsung-I Lin

  • TL
    Tsung-I Lin
  • Flexible clustering for asymmetric data via mixtures of unrestricted skew normal factor analyzers

  • VL
    Victor Hugo Lachos Davila
  • Likelihood-based inference for the multivariate skew-t regression with censored or missing responses

  • W
    Prof. Wan-Lun Wang
  • A selection approach to multivariate linear mixed models with censored and non-ignorable missing responses

  • LC
    Luis Mauricio Castro
  • Using joint random partition models for flexible change point analysis in multivariate processes

  • Category: International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)


    Four speakers including myself are invited to present their recent extraordinary works related to innovative statistical modelling for complex data in the 64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada (July 16-20, 2023). The information of the four speakers is delivered below.
    The 1st presenter:
    Professor Victor Hugo Lachos Davila
    Affiliation: Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
    Email: hlachos@uconn.edu
    Presenting Title: Likelihood-based inference for the multivariate skew-t regression with censored or missing responses
    The 2nd presenter:
    Professor Wan-Lun Wang
    Affiliation: Department of Statistics and Institute of Data Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
    Email: wangwl@gs.ncku.edu.tw
    Presenting Title: A selection approach to multivariate linear mixed models with censored and non-ignorable missing responses
    The 3rd presenter:
    Professor Luis Mauricio Castro
    Affiliation: Department of Statistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
    Email: mcastro@mat.uc.cl
    Presenting Title: Using joint random partition models for flexible change point analysis in multivariate processes
    The 4th presenter:
    Professor Tsung-I Lin
    Affiliation: Institute of Statistics, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
    Email: tilin@nchu.edu.tw
    Presenting Title: Flexible clustering for asymmetric data via mixtures of unrestricted skew normal factor analyzers