65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

Harmony in Data: Bridging Quality and Statistical Literacy


Jose Martins


  • JP
    Mr Jose Martins

  • J
    Prof. A. John Bailer
  • Engaging broader audiences in statistics with stories

  • C
    Prof. Pedro José Campos
  • Statistical literacy and quality - two sides of the same coin

  • G
    Prof. Iddo Gal

  • AB
    Ms Avis Beneš

  • Category: International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)

    Proposal Description

    Statistical literacy is crucial for maintaining the dimensions of quality in official statistics. By promoting understanding of statistical concepts, it enhances the relevance of data for decision-makers and the public. This literacy ensures a proper understanding of quality dimensions such as accuracy and reliability, enabling individuals to assess and improve data quality. Efficient data interpretation, supported by statistical literacy, facilitates timely analysis and dissemination, thus contributing to the timeliness and punctuality of official statistics.
    Clear presentation of data, facilitated by statistical literacy, improves accessibility and clarity for a diverse audience. In addition, a statistically literate community promotes coherence and comparability, ensuring consistent interpretation of data sets. Through transparent communication, statistical literacy maintains the integrity and impartiality of official statistics by providing a clear understanding of methodologies, sources, and limitations. In essence, statistical literacy underpins each dimension of quality and provides a foundation for robust and reliable official statistics.
    This presentation aims to outline a framework that integrates the dimensions of quality and statistical literacy, enabling the development of strategies to promote literacy for quality in official statistics.
    Individuals from academia, as well as professionals specialising in the areas of literacy and quality in official statistics, will be involved in this endeavour.