64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Big Data in National Statistical Offices in Latin America and the Caribbean


Andrea Diniz da Silva


  • D
    Dr Andrea Diniz da Silva

  • MC
    Maria Teresa Chica de Valenzano
  • Big Data applied for automatic coding of censuses and surveys

  • LTO
    Mr Leonardo Trujillo Oyola

  • VG
    Dr Vladimir Gonçalves Miranda
  • On the use of alternative data sources for price statistics in Brazil: experiences, challenges and opportunities

  • J
    Dr Ronald Jansen

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    Over the last years, long term challenges due to declining in financing and respondent cooperation were exacerbated by the Covid-19 outbreak. Long-term effects in the economy and new lifestyle of the population make National Statistical Offices to consider alternative data sources to replace or complement the traditional surveys. In this context, the use of big data for official statistics is more than a promising way for maintaining and even improving statistical production. The use of such data source is spreading fast and to know the extent in Latina America and the Caribbean, the Regional Hub for Big Data in Brazil sent a consultation to the National Statistical Offices in the region. Preliminary results account for 7 countries using big data for official or experimental statistics and 11 conducting studies on the use of satellite imagery, web scraping and other sources in applications such as price statistics, coverage and land use and migration. In this session, speakers from National Statistical Offices in Latin America and the Caribbean, at different level on the use of big data, will discuss progress, challenges and problems yet to be solved to make big data a source for official statistics. An overview of updated situation in the Region will be given and topics around mainstreaming the use of big data for official statistics will be discussed.