65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

Recent Advances in Large-Scale Network Data Analysis and Their Applications


Frederick Kin Hing Phoa


  • N
    PROF. DR. Junji Nakano

  • YM
    PROF. DR. Yuji Mizukami
  • Characteristics of scientists in SDGs-related fields for several countries based on non-negative matrix factorization of authorship of scientific papers

  • TY
    Tso-Jung Yen
  • Fatty liver classification via hybrid graph neural networks trained on ultrasound image data

  • WL
    Weichung Liu
  • Revisiting uniqueness measurement in ecological networks

  • P
    Mr Frederick Kin Hing Phoa
  • Uniformly scattering neighboring nodes of an ego-centric network on a spherical surface for better network visualization

  • CY
    Chen-Hsiang Yeang
  • Exploring the relation between the geometry of a fixed embedding space and the underlying cluster structure of image data using the merge and expand framework

  • Category: International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)

    Proposal Description

    In the current big-data regime, a large-scale network, despite its sheer size and complexity, has received much attention from researchers of many different fields, including social sciences, network sciences, economists and statisticians. The grand aggregation of knowledge contributions from these fields generates many inspiring outcomes for this interdisciplinary research area. This organized session aims at introducing recent advances in the statistical analysis and mathematical modeling in large-scale network data, and their applications in large-scale networks and databases.