65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

Importance of Data Science and Data Literacy in Education: From Aspirations to Solutions


Susanne Podworny


  • DF
    PROF. DR. Daniel Frischemeier

  • G
    Prof. Iddo Gal
  • How can we develop data literacy by the end of high school? Four challenges (and a funeral) for educational policy

  • AL
    Prof. Aisling Leavy
  • Data science: Extending the frontiers of statistical understanding for young learners

  • P
    Dr Susanne Podworny
  • Empowering future educators: Integrating data science into teacher education through the DataSETUP project

  • LM
    Laura Martignon
  • Data science for environmental literacy: An experience based approach

  • H
    Prof. Nicholas Jon Horton
  • Key competencies for data science and data literacy

  • G
    Dr Robert Gould

  • Category: International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)

    Proposal Description

    In a world that is increasingly driven by data, the ability to effectively understand, interpret and make decisions based on data has become critical. Data science and data literacy form the foundation for an informed society that is able to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. As we stand at the crossroads of an era where data permeates every facet of our lives, the significance of molding an informed and capable society cannot be overstated. This IPS not only underscores the critical role of data science and data literacy in shaping a resilient education system but also emphasizes the urgency to act now to prepare future generations for the complexities of the 21st century.
    Despite the growing importance of data in almost all areas of life, the integration of data science and data literacy in education systems worldwide is growing slowly. The gap between aspiration—recognizing the indispensability of these skills—and solution—effectively integrating them into educational curricula—is widening. It is imperative that this gap will be closed through concerted efforts aimed at overhauling educational curricula, enhancing teacher training, and providing abundant and accessible learning materials tailored to impart these critical skills from the earliest stages of education through to higher education.
    Using different perspectives, this IPS aims to raise awareness of the importance of data science and data literacy as fundamental skills in modern education. To this end, current challenges and opportunities of integrating data science and data literacy in educational programs are examined and innovative solutions and best practices from different disciplines are discussed in this IPS.
    By bringing together expertise from different countries this IPS will formulate concrete recommendations for research, policy and practice and will set the course for the future development of education systems that are geared towards the demands of the data-driven world. The ultimate goal is to transition from aspirations to actionable solutions, paving the way for an educational paradigm that empowers individuals with the data science and data literacy skills essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world. In doing so, we not only enhance the individual capabilities of learners but also fortify the very foundations of our societies, enabling them to thrive in the face of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
    Susanne Podworny (Paderborn University), podworny@math.upb.de
    Daniel Frischemeier (University of Münster), dfrische@uni-muenster.de