64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Recent Advances in High-Dimensional Machine Learning and Inference


Dr Jinchi Lv


  • JL
    Dr Jinchi Lv

  • MS
    Mahrad Sharifvaghefi
  • FACT: High-Dimensional Random Forests Inference

  • C
    Dr Timothy Cannings
  • Minimax Optimal Classification under Missing Data

  • XD
    Xiaowu Dai
  • Orthogonalized Kernel Debiased Machine Learning

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    To address the aforementioned fundamental challenges, this invited session brings together four experts who will introduce some cutting-edge developments on these interrelated topics from unique perspectives. A common theme of the session is high-dimensional machine learning and inference.

    Session organizer: Jinchi Lv , University of Southern California
    Session chair: Jinchi Lv

    List of session speakers (please arrange the talks in the order specified below):

    1) Jianqing Fan , Princeton University
    Talk title: Factor Augmented Sparse Throughput Deep ReLU Neural Networks for High Dimensional Regression

    2) Yingying Fan , University of Southern California
    Talk title: FACT: High-Dimensional Random Forests Inference

    3) Timothy Cannings , University of Edinburgh
    Talk title: Minimax Optimal Classification under Missing Data

    4) Xiaowu Dai , University of California, Los Angeles
    Talk title: Orthogonalized Kernel Debiased Machine Learning