IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

The challenges of statistical production for climate change


Jesarela Lopez Aguilar


  • JL
    Ms Jesarela Lopez Aguilar

  • RO
    Mr Rolando Ocampo Alcántar
  • Measuring environmental and climate change indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • TG
    Mrs Teresa Guerra Favela

  • CR
    Dr César Rodríguez-Ortega

  • FA
    Ms Faryal Ahmed
  • Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators

  • RS
    Mr Ranyart Rodrigo Suarez Ponce de Leon

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    The Paris Agreement calls on national governments to improve climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information, recognizing the importance of these steps to enhance global climate action and achieve global climate goals. Timely, relevant and accessible climate change and disaster-related statistics can help answer this call and increase public awareness of climate-related issues.

    International agreements and discussions have brought to the table the need for increasingly accurate and timely data, and best practices in production, dissemination and communication are being explored, a challenge that statistical institutes are facing.

    Moreover, climate change introduces risks to transition and financial stability in the global economy. High-quality data are needed to enable the public and private sectors to effectively assess and manage these risks. At the same time, countries need to make informed decisions about investing in climate action and monitor their effects in the face of risks that are increasingly prevalent around the world. Thus, discussions on statistical developments related to the measurement of climate finance and the economics of climate change, data gaps and data needs should be considered.

    Taking into consideration the above, several global proposals for indicators related to climate change and disasters have been developed, which currently need to be reviewed in statistical institutions in order to implement them and move towards international consolidation, which implies a challenge of expert knowledge, technical training, support tools and capacity building.