IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

Improving statistical literacy - best practices and challenges


Ms Reija Helenius


  • C
    Prof. Prof Marek Cierpiał-Wolan

  • HH
    Hugo Hernández
  • How the ISLP Poster Competition helps to improve statistical literacy?

  • BW
  • Strategies to increase the reach of statistical literacy initiatives at the Brazilian NSI (IBGE)

  • EF
    Ms Elisa Falck
  • Promoting statistical literacy: opportunities and challenges

  • M
    Dr Graciela Márquez
  • Cuéntame de México”, a microsite designed for children and young students with statistics and geographical data of Mexico

  • H
    Mrs Reija Helenius
  • ISLP study on the possibilities and challenges of promoting statistical literacy

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    Statistical literacy has become an increasingly important skill in today's society. It is both an everyday and working life skill. It would be important that as many as possible mastered even the basic statistical literacy skills, such as being able to understand and interpret graphs and figures. This strengthens equality and inclusivity. Efforts are already made everywhere in the world to promote the understanding of statistics. Some of the examples of methods of statistics promotion are competitions, communications and social media, games and learning materials. Many NSO’s also include the promotion of statistical literacy in their strategy.
    The examples of different countries bring out different practices that others can learn from. The question is how to increase statistical literacy as widely as possible, so that the measures taken have a wide impact in society. The challenge is how to measure the coverage and level of statistical literacy in different countries and target groups. This session will suggest some steps on how we can move closer to this goal.
    The session will approach statistical literacy from multiple viewpoints, one of them being the country coordinator. The ISLP has a global network in almost 90 countries, consisting of country coordinators: expert volunteers who work with statistics and want to promote statistical literacy in their community. ISLP (International Statistical Literacy Project) has gathered data from its’ country coordinators. In the study it was researched what experiences they had from promoting statistical literacy. The results of the study will be presented in the session, including a review of all NSO’s sites which contain statistical literacy or learning materials. As a case example, Mexico’s activities to promote statistical literacy will be introduced. We´ll also raise the matter of how to measure statistical literacy and resources.