IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

Session organized by the Asociación Mexicana de Estadística: Strengthening synergies between academic and official statistics: success stories.


Victor Alfredo Bustos y de la Tijera


  • MT
    Dr Martha María Téllez Rojo

  • B
    Dr Victor Alfredo Bustos y de la Tijera
  • A view from both sides.

  • D
    Dr Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva
  • Win-Win Partnerships– Public Statistics Meets Academia

  • L
    Dr Erin Lundy
  • Collaboration and Engagement with Academia: The Statistics Canada Experience

  • AC
    Andrés Christen

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    The purpose of this proposal is to emphasize the mutual advantages of cross pollination between academia and official statistics. As Martin-Guzmán and Cervera put it "Academic statisticians (AS), as an important group of users of official statistics, can benefit considerably from these contacts, as they will help them to get an in-depth wiev of the data that they are using, and to exert some influence on the future statistical production along the lines of their research interests. On the other hand, these contacts are a clear asset for NSOs, as they can contribute to the solution of specific technical problems met in official statistics, and help in finding appropriate ways for providing training to Official Statisticians (OS)." A few examples of this can be noted. For instance, there is a long standing relationship between the UK ONS and the University of Sothampton (Soton); Statistics Canada and Carleton University (Statistics Canada Joins the Canadian Accessibility Network Led by Carleton University | Carleton Newsroom; https://newsroom.carleton.ca/2021/statistics-canada-joins-the-canadian-accessibility-network-led-by-carleton-university/#:~:text=Statistics%20Canada%20announced%20today%20it%20is%20joining%20the,Tony%20Labillois%2C%20chair%20of%20the%20CAN%20advisory%20council.); or the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the University of Wollongong (Statistical connection - Partners for Research Impact, University of Wollongong Australia (uow.edu.au); https://magazine.uow.edu.au/research/partnersforimpact/UOW236866.html); or IBGE and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Uma História de Sinergias: as Relações entre UFRJ-IBGE | de Almeida | Espaço Aberto; https://magazine.uow.edu.au/research/partnersforimpact/UOW236866.html). Statistical offices make available a trove of microdata from household surveys, while in academia it is often difficult to gain access to good quality real data. On the other hand, modern statistical methods take long to reach statistical agencies, if ever, while academics would be willing to give advice on them. Speakers will refer to their experiences in such collaborations in their respective countries. It is our belief that such partnerships should be fostered.