64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Statistical Education Research Journal (SERJ)- IASE


Prof. Ayse Aysin Bilgin


  • A
    PROF. DR. Ayse Aysin Bilgin
  • Special issue: Building future generations of statisticians (2020)

  • E
    Prof. Joachim Engel
  • Special issue: Research on data science education (2022)

  • B
    Prof. Dani Ben-Zvi
  • An author's perspective on SERJ

  • Category: International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)


    Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI). SERJ is published three times a year (one special edition in June, and two regular issues in February and November) and is free. SERJ is a flagship journal in Statistics Education and it is the only international Statistics Education Research Journal. In this presentation, we will shared our experiences as SERJ Guest Editors and SERJ authors.