64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Fundamental Principles: Are they still relevant today in the current data ecosystem?


Misha V. Belkindas


  • MB
    Dr Misha Belkindas

  • HF
    Dr Haishan Fu
  • How FPOS are important for the international organization, in particular at the country level where the Bank has programs

  • K
    PROF. DR. Prof. Dr. Mariana Kotzeva
  • Relevance for the EU and why EU has additional EU focused principles

  • H
    Dr Hermann Habermann
  • A bit of history and relevance of FPOS today

  • IR
    Ms Ilana Ron Levey
  • How acceptable are the principles for the private sector (Gallup) and what kind of principles they adhere to

  • MM
    Mr Mulenga JJ Musepa
  • How helpful are FPOS at the country level – law, national strategy, etc.

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)