64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

IASS President Invited Session - Bridging big data and sampling methodology: a sampling statistician perspective


Monica Pratesi


  • P
    Prof. Monica Pratesi

  • M
    Prof. Fulvia Mecatti
  • What is big in big data: a sampling statistician perspective

  • DZ
    Mr Diego Zardetto

  • H
    Prof. David Haziza

  • Category: International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS)


    What is big in big data: a sampling statistician perspective
    BigData users and BigData research community are fast growing bigger and bigger while statisticians at large seem to be growing divided between enthusiastic and worried, when not downright hostile. Is BigData also a big step ahead to extract information and actual knowledge from data? Is BigData underplaying statistical inference as we know it? Supplanting stats methodology as a low-cost futuristic option? As a (mainly) sampling statistician, in this talk Prof. Fulvia Mecatti shall try to decipher the multifaceted relationship connecting BigData to statistical and to sampling methodology, starting with the still blurry definition of BigData and discussing some very personal considerations and views.