64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Recent Advances in Statistical Methods for Biomedical Data Analysis


Zhengqing Ouyang


  • RB
    Raji Balasubramanian
  • TBD

  • JQ
    Jing Qian
  • Nonparametric and semiparametric estimation with sequentially truncated survival data

  • ZO
    Zhengqing Ouyang

  • YZ
    Yuping Zhang
  • Integrative inference for biological networks

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    The proposed session includes a chair and three presenters who are experts in the areas of statistics, biostatistics, and omics. All of the session participants are tenured professor/associate professors in the department of statistics or biostatistics. All the presenters are thinkers and have proposed many ideas to advance their specific fields. They have extensive research experiences and published numerous peer-reviewed papers in statistics and interdisciplinary areas. The organizer and presenters were originally coming from around the world. The proposed contents are fast-growing fields between statistics and biomedical research. The session has a diverse body of participants, with different stages of careers, balanced gender ratio (2 out of 3 presenters are females), and various statistical interests (ranging from survival analysis to network analysis to statistical genomics).