64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

The Role of Technical Advisory Committees in Informing National Statistics


Dr Cynthia Z. F. Clark


  • CC
    Dr Cynthia Z. F. Clark

  • ER
    Mr Eric Rancourt
  • Panelist - Statistics Canada Methodology Advisory Committee

  • JH
    Mr Joost Huurman
  • Panelist - Statistics Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics Advisory Committee on Methodology and Quality

  • SH
    Sarah Henry
  • Panelist - U.K. Office of National Statistics' Methodology Advisory Committee

  • AH
    Dr Anders Holmberg
  • Panelist - Technical Advisory Committees at the Australian Bureau of Statistics

  • WW
    Mr William Wiatrowski
  • Panelist - Economic Advisory Committee hosted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis

  • MC
    Ms Melissa Chiu
  • Panelist - Committee on National Statistics of the National Academy of Sciences

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    Formal Advisory Committees can play an influential role in developing, creating, and improving the statistics that inform government policies across many disciplines of today’s society. These committees may be organized on different models across countries and operate under different procedures. As an international community there is much that we can learn from dialogue with those from different National Statistics Offices. This session will be set up as a panel discussion with NSO leaders from six offices who oversee the work of a technical advisory group for their organization or their country. The participants will briefly describe how their advisory group functions, how members are selected, how the agenda is set for meetings, how NSO staff participate, how recommendations are made and acted upon, and how feedback is given to both the NSO and the advisory committee or group. After the panelist’s presentation, the chair will act as a moderator and will entertain questions among the panelists and then invite dialogue between the audience and the panelists.