Improving quality of administrative data for statistical purposes
Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)
Administrative data collected by governments and service providers in the course of their day-to-day business is an increasingly important source for the production of official statistics to fill gaps in the data available to policy and decision makers to monitor progress and implement the 2030 Agenda and other government priority areas. How to proceed to get access to administrative data sources and how to assess and assure the quality of these data for statistics production are, however, challenges that many countries are facing and seek guidance and experience from others on.
To respond to these and other related needs, the Collaborative on Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes was established in 2020. From early on it was agreed with the various members, representing national statistical offices, regional and international agencies, to have a practically oriented focus, sharing best practices and experiences, and developing hands-on tools. Members of the Collaborative on administrative data are developing a quality assessment and assurance guidance documents that focuses on administrative data, with an initial focus on low resource settings. The work is coordinated with the Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks (EG-NQAF) is expected to bring consolidated practical level guidance resources on quality in administrative data for statistical purposes to the UN Statistical Commission in the coming years.
This session will present some of these ongoing efforts on ensuring quality in administrative data sources for statistics production, showcasing good practices from countries, covering different levels of development and use of administrative data sources. Recent practically oriented tools that are meant to support countries in their work to operationalize quality assurance work on administrative data will also be presented.