64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Data Science in Statistics: methodological and applied issues


Elisabetta Carfagna


  • C
    Prof. Elisabetta Carfagna

  • C
    Dr Paulo Canas Rodrigues
  • Spatio-temporal modelling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables

  • RV
    Prof. Rosanna Verde
  • Tree-based statistical learning techniques and explicative tools

  • J
    Dr Daniel Jeske
  • Mining Text for Bias in Written Comments of Student Evaluations of Teaching

  • RD
    Ross Darnell
  • Statistical Modelling alternatives to Machine Learning in complex survey data analysis

  • LY
    Linda Young
  • Evolving Official Statistics: The Increasingly Varied Role of Data Science

  • EC
    Elisabetta Carfagna

  • Category: International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS)


    Data Science in Statistics: methodological and applied issues
    Data science has a great and increasing importance in several branches of statistics using large data sets and new data sources, e.g., administrative registers, satellites and aircrafts, webcams, data voluntarily provided by internet users, data harvested from the web and so on. The analysis and elaboration of these kinds of data require the use of data science methods and tools besides “traditional” statistical methods. The applications of data science tools rage from earth observation to official statistics, and the discussion on advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and requirements of the use of alternative data sources integrated with probability sample surveys is informing the debate in national and international statistical systems all over the world.
    This Invited Paper Session (IPS) focuses on most relevant methodological and applied issues of data science: interpretability of machine learning tools, potential bias, integration of new data sources with sample surveys for improving official statistics, analysis of huge amounts of meteorological and remote sensing data.
    This IPS is proposed by the vice-chair and chair-elect of the ISI Special Interest Group on Data Science, discusses methodological and applied issues, is balanced from geographical and gender point of view.

    Tree-based statistical learning techniques and explicative tools
    Speaker: Rosanna Verde, Professor of Statistics - Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Italy

    Mining Text for Bias in Written Comments of Student Evaluations of Teaching
    Speaker: Daniel Jeske, University of California, Riverside (USA)

    Evolving Official Statistics: The Increasingly Varied Role of Data Science
    Speaker: Linda J. Young, Chief Mathematical Statistician and Director Research and Development Division, USDA NASS

    Spatio-temporal modelling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables
    Speaker: Paulo Canas Rodrigues, Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

    Discussant: Elisabetta Carfagna, University of Bologna, Department of Statistical Sciences, Italy