64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Geomatics/geospatial innovations in statistical programs


Mrs Emee Mikkelsen


  • HB
    Mrs Hélène Bérard

  • ED
    Mr Eduardo de la Torre
  • Geospatial Roadmap for the SDGs

  • SM
    Ms Sybille McKeown
  • Enhancing land and ocean data through geography and accounts – an Australian perspective

  • FL
    Mrs France Labrecque
  • Developing geospatially enabled indicators and user centric web mapping applications: challenges and lessons learned

  • MN
    Marta Nagy-Rothengass
  • Eurostat’s Geospatial Statistics – innovation in practice

  • SG
    Sophie Gratton
  • Enabling the production of statistical insights for user defined geography

  • Abstract

    The integration of geospatially enabled statistics and geospatial information contributes to enhance knowledge and understanding of social, economic, and environmental issues, and supports the data and analytical demands of national and global developmental priorities, and ultimately to strengthen the national statistical system. The topics presented in this session will include information about the innovative solutions and activities that are being implemented by different organizations to meet the growing needs for location-based insights. Examples of innovative solutions and activities include providing integrated statistics for user defined geographies, supporting organizations responsible for disaster risk management, enabling the integration, display and analysis of authoritative statistics and alternative data sources, and activities towards the integration of geospatial and statistical information within the statistical production process. The topics discussed will also include references to key conceptual documents such as the geospatial roadmap for the SDGs, the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (GSGF) and the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF).