64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Reaching the general public: Data and Statistics for Dummies




  • BR
    Benjamin Rothen

  • GU
    Georges-Simon Ulrich
  • Getting out of our Bubble to engage users

  • MR
    Ms Miosotis Mercelia Rivas Peña

  • DL
    Mr Daniel Lapidus

  • ER
    Miss Elizabeth Richards

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    This session will bring two data producers (national statistical office, international organisation which does great data visualisations) to share their good practices in reaching out to the general public and two data users (employees’ association/NGO and policy maker) to share what they need and what is attractive to the public.

    In the past years, data have been put in the spotlight. Indeed, policy makers and citizens have been asking for more and more data to understand and monitor the development of the 2030 Agenda, the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. However, nowadays, attention spans are extremely short and facts are now competing with attractive fake news.
    So how can data producers innovate to share high-quality and reliable data to the general public? Which tools can be used to catch the information of citizens and provide the information that might help them in their day-to-day life? What do citizens need from official statistics?
    This session will bring two data producers (national statistical office, international organisation which does great data visualisations) to share their good practices in reaching out to the general public and two data users (employees’ association and policy maker) to share what they need and what is attractive to the public.

    This session is organized within the framework of the Project Rosling (www.projectrosling.ch), a project launched by the Swiss Confederation to expand the dialogue on data and statistics to stakeholders beyond the data and statistics communities and deepen knowledge. It will be the third event of the Data Literacy Workstream, following its launch at the UNWDF 2023 and a side-event at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Whereas previous events have focused on getting policy makers on board with the data agenda, this event will target the general public. It will seek to find good practices to reach and interest citizens in data by showing them how data can be useful in their day to day life.