64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

The DDI Alliance and the official statistics community: a twenty-year partnership


Dr Flavio Rizzolo


  • T
    Ms Wendy Thomas

  • OD
    Olivier Dupriez
  • DDI Codebook for data discoverability and usability

  • CV
    Chantal Vaillancourt
  • Integrated metadata ecosystem for metadata-driven statistical production

  • ES
    Eric Sigaud
  • Questionnaire development, management and fielding with DDI

  • DG
    Mr Dan Gillman
  • Description of uses of DDI at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

  • KK
    Mrs Kaia Kulla
  • DDI as a tool for collecting public registry data through a metadata-driven Data Gateway

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    This panel presents on the applied use of various DDI products by Statistical Agencies to support a range of activities from capturing the descriptive metadata needed to support the accurate use and sharing of survey and census data, manage conceptual content for consistency and quality, and the development and fielding of questionnaires. Discussion will center on issues arising during the applied use of DDI products in different situations, and the development of DDI as driven by the current and potential user community.
    Topics to be discussed include:
    - Introduction to the DDI Suite of products focusing on the high-level coverage model and applications for the various products, including current work on improved translation of content between products and new implementation languages;
    - Use of DDI Codebook at the World Bank, internally and in its technical assistance program, and development of DDI-based tools for improved data discoverability, usability, and accessibility;
    - DDI-powered production process at Insee that covers three quarters of Insee's surveys and produces around one million questionnaires each year, and testing the use of DDI for the automation of the survey process and for the ingestion of administrative data;
    - DDI Lifecycle, and portions of the draft DDI CDI, use at the BLS to guide the development of metadata systems;
    - Metadata-driven data gateway at Statistics Estonia to collect data from public data registers, from the description of data at the variable level to the description of data sets stored in databases, and from the description of the raw data to the description of the output data Cubes;
    - Integrated metadata ecosystem at Statistics Canada spanning metadata capture, management and reuse across the statistical business process;