64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Estimating flows of ecosystem services and benefits to society in urban ecosystems


Dr Jonathan Whiteley


  • JA
    Dr Jessica Andrews

  • MR
    Mrs Marie-Janick Robitaille
  • Mapping the vulnerability and exposure to extreme heat waves of populations living in Canadian communities

  • LA
    Lauren Allen
  • Contiguously Settled Areas: New Urban Boundaries for Measuring Urban Expansion

  • JW
    Dr Jonathan Whiteley
  • A Register of Ecosystem Assets for Canada: a framework for organizing and linking environmental and socio-economic data for ecosystem accounting.

  • AS
    Dr Amanda Schwantes
  • Monitoring supply, demand, and use for the service of air quality regulation in Canadian cities

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    Most people in the world today live in cities, with the proportion expected to continue to increase. Urban environments have profound impacts on residents’ health and well-being, in terms of air quality, water quality, temperature regulation, and other “ecosystem services” (nature’s contributions to people). This session will explore methods, approaches, and applications of measuring ecosystem services that contribute to human well-being in urban environments.