64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Statistical challenges in view of the SNA and BPM updates


Mr Jorit Zwijnenburg


  • JZ
    Mr Jorrit Zwijnenburg

  • FF
    Mrs Fabienne Fortanier

  • PV
    Mr Peter Van de Ven

  • FR
    Mr Fernando Alberto Rocha

  • CC
    Ms Carol Coy
  • Updating the SNA and the BPM – An overview and a discussion of main implementation challenges

  • CV
    Ms Catherine Van Rompaey
  • Enhancing and broadening the SNA and BPM to address issues around well-being and sustainability

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    The session will be chaired by one of the colleagues of the international organisations involved in the update of the SNA and BPM, namely Jorrit Zwijnenburg (OECD).

    Contact email: Jorrit.Zwijnenburg@oecd.org

    The first presentation will be provided by members of the SNA and BPM editorial teams (i.e., Peter van de Ven (lead editor of the 2025 SNA) and Jim Tebrake (IMF)).

    Contact email: jtebrake@imf.org.

    The second presentation will be provided by one of the chairs of the well-being and sustainability task team, namely Catherine van Rompaey (World Bank).

    Contact email: cvanrompaey@worldbank.org