64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

The present and future of access to granular administrative data


Bruno Tissot


  • SB
    Prof. Stefan Bender

  • CH
    Christian Hirsch
  • Can sensitive data be FAIR? The Annodata Framework

  • JB
    Jannick Blaschke
  • On the value of data sharing in RDCs

  • H
    Dr Chiung Ching Ho
  • Deep Learning on Administrative Tabular Data: A Comparative Study

  • LAM
    Mr Luis Angel Maza
  • An example in the use of microdata to obtain experimental and additional statistics on households’ and firms’ financing in Spain

  • JZ
    Mr Jorit Zwijnenburg

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    After identifying best practices and lessons learned with regard to RDCs, the session will provide an outlook on the coming developments in the next few years. This session targets data producers.