64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Central bank statistics re-branding and purpose-driven communication


Bruno Tissot


  • LT
    Mr Luís Teles Dias

  • VD
    Ms Vita Rosiana Dewi
  • How Bank Indonesia communicate its Monetary Policy during Covid-19 period

  • BO
    Dr Samson Babatunde Omotosho
  • Text mining applications in financial market monitoring: lessons from the Central Bank of Nigeria

  • DD
    Ms Dominique Durant
  • Communication with reporting agents and lowering the reporting burden – the ESCB Integrated Reporting Framework IReF

  • LN
    Lígia Maria Nunes
  • BPstat: speaking official statistics with a stronger brand voice

  • EC
    Ms Eilyn Yee Lin Chong
  • Visualising higher frequency economic indicators from unconventional sources using BI tool

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    This session will provide an opportunity to share experiences from central banks that have created new fresh ways of communicating statistics (content, channels, partnerships or engagement strategies) and how these new initiatives created value to society as a whole or to specific target groups.