64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Financial innovation and official statistics


Bruno Tissot


  • KN
    Mr Ko Nakayama

  • YS
    Ms Yoshiko Sato
  • Covering digital assets in the Flow of Funds Accounts

  • UVK
    Dr Ulf von Kalckreuth
  • Recognizing Fintechs: A graph approach. Automatically classifying companies for statistical purposes

  • GM
    Giuseppina Marocchi
  • The rise of crypto-assets: cool breeze or tsunami in balance of payments statistics

  • NW
    Norman Wilson
  • Building a Fintech Monitor as a Feasibility Study: The German Approach

  • LAM
    Mr Luis Angel Maza
  • Fintech in statistical classifications: suggestions and tentative figures in a central bank context

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    The objective of this session is to facilitate an active exchange of views and share the experiences of statistics compilers around the world, aiming to develop a framework on new forms of financial activities and digital assets in the SNA. Opinions from users are also indispensable to construct the new framework. Recording digital assets, which include central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), global stablecoins, and other types of crypto-assets, is one of the most important issues in the discussion of BPM6/2008 SNA update, as mentioned in the guidance note (GN) prepared by the Joint Financial and Payment Systems Task Team (FITT). For example, to find an adequate recording rule for crypto-assets without a corresponding liability (eg bitcoins) is a tough challenge.