64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Recent Developments in Statistical Genetics and Genomics


Dr Hongyu Zhao


  • Z
    Dr Hongyu Zhao

  • EZ
    Emma Jingfei Zhang
  • Estimating cell-type-specific gene co-expression networks from bulk gene expression data

  • XZ
    Xiang Zhou
  • A multi-ancestry integrative method for genome-wide association studies

  • YP
    Dr Yongjin Park
  • Cell composition inference and identification of layer-specific transcriptional profiles with POLARIS

  • JD
    Prof. Josee Dupuis
  • Developing genetic-predicted multi-organ imaging traits in large-scale biobanks

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    There are four talks for this proposed session, and the following are the details of the speakers and the titles of their talks.

    [1] Speaker: Yun Li, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Title: Cell composition inference and identification of layer-specific transcriptional profiles with POLARIS

    [2] Speaker: Emma Jingfei Zhang, University of Miami
    Title: Estimating cell-type-specific gene co-expression networks from bulk gene expression data

    [3] Speaker: Xiang Zhou, University of Michigan
    Title: A multi-ancestry integrative method for genome-wide association studies

    [4] Speaker: Bingxin Zhao, Purdue University
    Title: Developing genetic-predicted multi-organ imaging traits in large-scale biobanks