64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Modeling complex correlated data: new directions and innovations


Dr Esra Kurum


  • K
    Dr Esra Kurum

  • KM
    Kristen Miller
  • Modeling recurrent epileptic seizures in patients with focal epilepsy

  • DS
    Debaleena Sain
  • Time-varying joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event outcomes

  • SM
    Prof. Saman Muthukumarana
  • Detection of temperature clusters and abnormal behaviour of sensors in commercial buildings using k‑means and dynamic time warping

  • EK
    Esra Kurum
  • A Bayesian multilevel time-varying framework for joint modeling of hospitalization and survival in patients on dialysis

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    Increasingly, with the ease of data collection due to technological developments, we need more advanced methods to analyze complex high-dimensional correlated data. In this session, speakers will focus on recent developments in novel methods proposed for longitudinal data and joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data. The methods that will be discussed in the session will include nonparametric methods and Bayesian inference for joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data, prediction of discrete longitudinal outcomes in heterogeneous populations, and time series clustering. Application examples will come from medical data and industrial engineering. This session is proposed by Drs. Esra Kurum (University of California, Riverside) and Elizabeth Juarez-Colunga (University of Colorado).