64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Recent advances in modeling time-to-event data and longitudinal data


Prof. Zhigang Li


  • GL
    Gang Li
  • Robust Joint Modeling of Longitudinal Trajectories with Doubly-Censored Time-to-Event Data at Biobank Scale

  • CT
    Dr Christos Thomadakis
  • Longitudinal and time-to-dropout joint models under various dropout mechanisms

  • YZ
  • A Minorization-Maximization Approach for Subgroup Analysis With Multiple Events Time Data

  • Category: International Statistical Institute


    Survival analysis and longitudinal analysis are two of the core branches of statistics. Recently, there are exciting developments in joint modeling of survival data and longitudinal data as well as developments under new settings. This session will feature four experts in survival and longitudinal data analysis from around the world. The first speaker from University of California, Los Angeles in USA will present a novel robust joint modeling of longitudinal trajectories with doubly-censored time-to-event data at biobank scale. An expert from University of Hong Kong will give the second presentation on a new minorization-maximization approach for subgroup analysis with multiple events time data. The third speaker is from the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He will talk about longitudinal and time-to-dropout joint models under various dropout mechanisms. The fourth speaker is from the University of Florida, USA to present an innovative joint modeling approach in presence of informative censoring on the retrospective time scale with application to palliative care research.