64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Recent progress in building statistical registers in countries with no administrative population registers


Mr Jean-Michel Durr


  • D
    Mr Jean-Michel Durr

  • FK
    Mrs Francesca Kay
  • Compiling population statistics from administrative data – to count or to estimate?

  • L
    Mr Olivier Lefebvre
  • The French statistical register of individual and dwellings : progress at all levels (ethical, methodological and IT)

  • SA
    Mr Shujaat Ansari
  • The Secure Infrastructure for Data Integration in Canada: two of its axes that are gaining importance

  • CC
    Celeste Cutting
  • A register-based statistical system in New Zealand: progress and challenges

  • Category: International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)


    Many countries are developing the use of administrative sources for their statistical production as well as to transform their population and housing census in either a fully register-based census or a census combining registers and surveys.
    Countries having an administrative population register, where individual are registered at their residential address, use it as the backbone of their system, adding additional sources to provide information on topics not covered by the registers and to remove potential overcount.
    However, countries with no administrative population register tend to build statistical registers combining several administrative data sources. The issue is here not only to avoid over-count, but also undercount, and to use an appropriate methodology in order to determine the resident population. In addition, in countries with no population registers, the population may be very sensitive about privacy and even a statistical register may raise concern.
    With presentations from Canada, Ireland, France, and New-Zealand, the session will provide an overview of methodologies used and specific issues faced in countries building statistical register in this context and will present recent progress in this area.