65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

How Societies Are Portrayed via Their Digital Resources, Activities and Economies – and Does This Convene With the Traditional Statistical Profiles


Johanna Laiho-Kauranne


  • L
    Dr Johanna Laiho-Kauranne

  • MP
    Mika Pantzar
  • Mobile information society - techno-scientific imaginaries of the 1990s in retrospect

  • RN
    Prof. Rajendran Narayanan
  • Whose rights are left out? Perspectives on the tension between administrative efficiency and human rights

  • PT
    Dr Panagiota (Tetti) Tzamourani
  • The distribution of household wealth across European households, and the digital economy

  • KL
    Krista Lagus
  • Humanising data beyond numbers: Leveraging advanced data analytics with qualitative analysis in the digital era

  • GN
    Gerry Nicolaas

  • V
    Dr Maria Susanna Valaste

  • Category: International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS)

    Proposal Description

    The focus of the session is how the societies and their activities are portrayed via digital resources, activities and economies. Digital resources have created new sources of statistics that are speedy, flexible in reference times, and also empower new thematic combinations. Digital societies require competences such as digital citizenship, and competence building is needed to support equal access to services by all. The concepts, glossaries and survey research methods require modernization as the digital era challenges the normative operations.

    The session will bring together angles from digital activities and phenomena like digital economic activities, digital crime, digital citizenship, and capabilities for organizations to produce meaningful data to meet the new information needs. We will also hear in this IPS Session how e-residency can accelerate completely new economical activities. The invited presentations will enlighten how the new dimensions of digital activities are captured by traditional official statistics and whether gaps remain.

    We bring into discussion the relevance drift and cross-generational experiences of digital dimensions, and how these can be observed in optimal manner. Presentations will demonstrate that societies are emerging to the digital era at different pace and via different pathways, including the variance in the capabilities of citizens, businesses and organisations to benefit from digitalization.

    The session facilitates discussion which new or traditional methods best complement the conventional statistical setting. We bring into the debate whether the AI or qualitative data analysis are the best remedies, or should we be prepare the surveys to be replaced by rapid information production with elastic time span.