IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City


All participants including session chairs, speakers and discussants must pay the registration fee. The registration fee includes participation in the scientific program of the conference, lunches and coffee-breaks, participation in the welcome reception on 15th of May, the official dinner on 16th of May and one of the offered cultural activities on May 17th.

Payment may be made online (with debit/credit card) or by bank transfer. PLEASE INSTRUCT YOUR BANK THAT ALL TRANSACTION COSTS ARE AT THE PAYER'S EXPENSE.

Please keep the following dates in mind for your registration process:

  • Registration opens on the 15th of December 2023.
  • The Early bird deadline is on 15th of March 2024.
  • Registration closes on 19th of April 2024.


CATEGORY Early bird (USD) Regular (USD)
IAOS-ISI Members Developed countries 400 475
Developing countries 265 340
Non members Developed countries 430 495
Developing countries 310 385
Others Students 150 175
Accompanying person 140 165



For more details on registrations and submissions for the IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City, please first login to your account. If you do not have an account then you can create one below: