TIES 2024

TIES 2024


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A Bayesian hierarchical model for CO2 flux estimation with multivariate satellite data

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Josh Jacobson


  • Michael Bertolacci
  • Andrew Zammit Mangion
  • Noel Cressie

Agriculture Land Suitability Modelling with Deep Learning and Remote Sensing Data

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Amanjot Bhullar


  • Ayesha Ali
  • Khurram Nadeem

Climate Control with Vegetation in a Domestic Setting

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: John Boland

Declining Collections and ‘Collecting Smarter’: Data-Driven Approaches to Sampling Design and Research Prioritisation in Ecology

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Owen Forbes


  • Cheng Soon Ong
  • Andrew Young
  • Peter Thrall

Factors of acute respiratory infection among under-five children across sub-Saharan African countries using machine learning approaches

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Haile Mekonnen Fenta


  • Prof. Temesgen Zewotir
  • Prof. Saloshni Naidoo
  • Prof. Rajen Naidoo
  • Prof. Henry Mwambi

Modeling an introduction of invasive alien species through container cargo considering the logistics network

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Shota Homma


  • Daisuke Murakami
  • Shinya Hosokawa
  • Koji Kanefuji

Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variation in Injury-Related Bloodstream Infections across Queensland, 2000-2019

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Binuri Perera


  • Kirsten Vallmuur
  • Kevin Laupland
  • Susanna Cramb

Spatio-temporal Modelling of Norovirus in Wastewater for Epidemiological Surveillance

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Ella White


  • Marta Blangiardo
  • Monica Pirani
  • Michelle Chok

Statistical Analysis of Hydroclimatic Trends and Variability in an Urbanising Catchment

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Tesfa Gebrie Andualem


  • John Boland
  • Guna Hewa
  • Stefan Peters
  • Baden Myers

Tessellation stratified sampling for assessing and monitoring natural resources and biodiversity

Format: CPS Abstract - TIES 2024

Author: Caterina Pisani


  • Marzia Marcheselli
  • Rosa Maria Di Biase