64th ISI World Statistics Congress

64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Victimisation statistics: new results from the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey


Dr Michael Slyuzberg


  • D
    Dr Tadhg Daly
  • T
    Tianying Chu
  • K
    Kimberley Turrell


64th ISI World Statistics Congress

Format: CPS Paper

Keywords: official, survey

Session: CPS 78 - Survey statistics IV

Wednesday 19 July 8:30 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. (Canada/Eastern)


The New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS) is the most comprehensive source of data on adult (aged 15 and older) victims of crime in Aotearoa New Zealand. Because only 25% of crime is reported to the Police, the NZCVS is the only regular source of data on the true nature and volume of crime in New Zealand.
Since its introduction in 2018 the NZCVS has interviewed around 35,000 adult New Zealanders on their experience with crime. The survey is based on face-to-face interviews which were complemented by virtual interviews during the COVID-19 pandemic. The NZCVS combines interviewer driven topics with self-interviewing for more sensitive questions.
Because of the consistent methodology used by the NZCVS across all cycles, New Zealand Ministry of Justice is now able to analyse changes in the levels of crime and victimisation with higher accuracy. Annual reports usually cover topics like trends in victimisation by offence types, victimisation of particular demographic and socio-economic population groups, family and sexual violence, distribution of crime, reporting to Police and perceptions of safety. Additionally, the Ministry produces in-depth analytical reports on prioritised topics.
The NZCVS results provide a measure of the true level of crime and victimisation in New Zealand to guide policy and intervention design, support strategic monitoring of crime and victimisation, contribute to victims-related policy decisions and improvement of victims’ support services. The NZCVS data is widely used in official statistics and international reporting including the UN’s Strategic Development Goals reporting (SDG 16).
This presentation focuses on new results from the NZCVS obtained from interviews undertaken both before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. It also covers survey methodology, issues related to face-to-face interviewing during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and plans for further development of the NZCVS.