Sustainable Development Goal 14 "Life Below Water": Scoping Report on the SDG Indicators
As nations around the world brace for the worsening impacts of climate change, protection of the environment and all its natural resources has never been more critical. This compelling need to preserve and protect the environment is laid out under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Established in 2015, the SDGs represent the global roadmap to achieve development for all, while protecting the planet and its resources. Focusing on the protection of marine ecosystems, Sustainable Development Goal 14 highlights the need to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.” SDG 14 attempts to address relevant issues affecting the world’s oceans, such as the reduction of marine pollution, minimizing the impact of ocean acidification, and prevention of overfishing and other illegal fishing activities. Overall, Goal 14 is composed of 10 development targets, with each target measurable by a specific SDG indicator. To aid in the measurement of progress towards the achievement of Goal 14, and to increase the knowledge base for the SDGs in the Philippines, this study examined Tier II and III indicators under SDG 14. Employing an extensive review of literature and consultations with different stakeholders, this scoping study analyzed existing global and local methodologies for data collection, compilation, and computation of SDG 14 indicators. Such methodologies were further studied for possible localization within the Philippines. Additionally, data gaps were also identified in order to understand the possible challenges of localizing the indicators.
Figure 2. Classification of Data Needed to Compute for SDG 14.1.1
Figure 3. Level 1 Data Compiled by UNSD
Table 2. Definition of Important Concepts for SDG 14.1.1
Table 3. Monitoring Parameters for Monitoring of SDG 14.1.1
Table 4. Identified data gaps in the Possible Sources of Data for SDG 14.1.1
Table 6. Monitoring Parameters for SDG 14.1.1.b