A Markov Chain Modulated Random Coefficient Minification Time Series Model for the Fire Weather Index
Format: IPS Abstract
Session: Invited Session 7A - Wildland Fire Management and Research
Wednesday 4 December 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. (Australia/Adelaide)
A common way to model nonnegative time series is to apply a log transformation and then use classical ARIMA techniques. We demonstrate using Canadian Fire Weather Index
data that simulating from such models can lead to unrealistic data scenarios.
Minification models
provide another approach to nonnegative time series, but they can be too restrictive. A random coefficient version of these processes has more flexibility than the fixed coefficient version of the process, but the dependence structure is still not accurate. A Markov chain extension is proposed in this presentation. Through simulations, we demonstrate how it behaves, and we show that maximum likelihood estimation for the model parameters is possible. the Fire Weather Index series.