Building trust culture in the office – examples of ethics-driven proactive internal communication at Statistics Poland
65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025
Format: IPS Abstract - WSC 2025
Session: IPS 957 - Ethically Sustainable Data Ecosystem Roles of National Statistical Institutes
Thursday 9 October 10:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Europe/Amsterdam)
As ethics is a paramount concept, visible in many aspects of international statistical debate, our
goal is to focus on the role of NSI which refers to building trust culture in the office and building
ethical awareness internally among employees, but also externally among our stakeholders.
The aim of the presentation is to outline fundamental rules and values for ethics, both in the
layer of data ethics but also in the layer of culture organisation, especially in the area of internal
communication. Ethics are to be apprehended from the international angle, embedded in the
larger statistical context.
It is clear that internal communication, including its part dedicated to assembling staff opinions
may bring benefits for us all, e.g.: when it comes to changing the organisational culture,
merging expectations of both sides: employees and employers, knowing each other better,
finding better solutions in CSR, social activities etc. The fact of it being an important starting
point to create proper external communication is also not to be underestimated. Our presentation
will tackle those aspects, with the focus on lessons learned (both positive ones and so called
“fantastic failures”).
Examples of staff surveys in various areas are to be presented, not from the point
of view of their results but from the point of view of their response rate and their function to
raise awareness and engagement of our employees on their role in the process of building
common trust (internally and externally).