Clustering Nodes in Hypergraphs
65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025
Format: IPS Abstract - WSC 2025
Keywords: ", clustering, hypergraph, network-modelling, stochastic-block-model, variational_em
Session: IPS 1035 - Recent Advances in Statistical Network Analysis with Applications
Thursday 9 October 2 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Over the past two decades, a wide range of models has been developed to capture pairwise interactions represented in graphs. However, modern applications in various fields have highlighted the necessity to consider high-order interactions, which involve groups of three or more nodes. Simple examples include triadic and larger group interactions in social networks, scientific co-authorship, interactions among more than two species in ecological systems, or high-order correlations between neurons in brain networks.
This talk will discuss approaches to node clustering in hypergraphs, from 2 point of views: modularity maximization and stochastic blockmodels fitting. We will describe recent results and remaining challenges in this area.