65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

Diagnosis of colon cancer from gene expression using a machine learning model and prediction for new patients


65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

Format: CPS Poster - WSC 2025

Keywords: cancer, classification, data science, decision-tree, gene, gridsearchcv, k-nearest neighbour, logistic regression, machine learning, model-diagnosis, model_selection, prediction, random forest classifier, risk_factors, supervised learning


Nowadays, various cancers have become common in humans and are unfortunately the cause of death for many people. Early detection and diagnosis of cancers can have a significant impact on patient survival and reduce treatment costs. Colon cancer is the third and second leading cause of death in women and men worldwide. This is why many researchers are striving to develop new methods for the early diagnosis of colon cancer. In this presentation, we will propose a model that can help us determine the risk factors for colon cancer and diagnose this disease using gene expression data from new patients.