Computer Assisted Web interviews on mobile phones
The presentation topic will be Computer Assisted Web Interviews on mobile phones (CAWI mobile) at Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.
CSB of Latvia uses electronic data collection technology via web forms since 2002 for legal persons and since 2010 for natural persons. This presentation will focus on surveys that are intended for collecting data from natural persons.
Although electronic data collection is not new for CSB of Latvia the massive increase of usage of mobile devices has led to the point where a lot of respondents are receiving and reading emails sent to them stating that they have become respondents on mobile devices. These letters contain a hyperlink to the data collection system and naturally the link would firstly be opened on a mobile device just to understand that the system is not suitable for working on such devices and a personal computer should be used instead.
The project consisted of several parts. The first part was an internal project where subject matter experts from social statistics domain, data collection experts and IT experts were brought together to elaborate the set of requirements on what transformations must be made from classical CAWI surveys system where a computer must be used to a solution where the surveys can be filled in on a mobile device. The next part was tendering an outsource company to develop the solution. And the last part was the implementation of the solution in production.
The presentation will cover the whole process.