Estimation of Life-Space Assessment Score for Brazilian Elderly Population Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples
Social restriction measures due to pandemic caused substantial reduction in older adults’ life-space mobility in Brazil. Social inequalities strongly affected vulnerable groups. To investigate the immediate impact of COVID-19 pandemic on life-space mobility of community-dwelling Brazilian older adults and examine the social determinants of health associated with life-space mobility, it was conducted an online and phone survey using a convenience snowball sample of participants 60 years and older (n = 1,482) living in 22 states in Brazil. It was used an adapted version of the Life-Space Assessment (LSA), and the goal was to investigate social determinants of health in LSA score. Preliminary analysis showed that the sample was biased when representing Brazilian elderly people in terms of sociodemographic characteristics: Compared to the target population, a higher proportion of women, white, from the Northeast region, singles and with higher income people appeared than would be expected. Corrected point and variance estimators for LSA measures were obtained with quasi-randomization methods. Pseudo selection probabilities were estimated by using the sample in combination with an external data set from a reference survey that covers the target population (a national household survey from IBGE – the official statistics agency in Brazil). Logistic regression was used to estimate the pseudo-inclusion probabilities for the nonprobability cases, using common covariates in both surveys. Some results were that Life-space mobility was lower among black individuals, those living alone and aged between 70 and 79. Other variables associated with life-space mobility, to a lesser extent, were sex, education, and income. Appropriate actions should be put in place to overcome the deterioration in life-pace mobility amongst these groups.