IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

First combined (register-and-questionnaire-based) census in Latin America and the Caribbean? Innovations of the Uruguayan 2023 population census.


IAOS-ISI 2024, Mexico City

Format: CPS Abstract

Keywords: administrative data, census, population_register, register-based_census


In a groundbreaking move, the National Institute of Statistics (NSI) of Uruguay is at the forefront of a significant transition from traditional census methods to a pioneering register-based census, marking a historic shift in data collection strategies within Latin America and the Caribbean. The NSI's innovative approach involves a pilot project running in parallel with the traditional 2023 population census, aiming to compare and analyze data from both sources to identify gaps and enhance the overall accuracy of population statistics.

Central to this transformative initiative is the System of Integrated Statistical Registers and Surveys (SIREE), a comprehensive and dynamic system that goes beyond being a mere central database or information system. It represents a holistic framework with interconnected elements, prominently featuring a data warehouse as its most visible component. The SIREE system is underpinned by several key elements, including Master Data and Metadata Management, a tool named MasterData adhering to the ISO 11.179 standard, the GSRBPM model (adapted from the original GSBPM model by UNECE), and a Conceptual and Methodological framework.

SIREE is a system of integrated statistical registers but also censuses and surveys, drawing inspiration from the successful model developed by the Nordic countries. At its core are three base registers – population, business, and real estate. The architecture of the SIREE data warehouse comprises different layers, demonstrating a sophisticated blend of information technology and streamlined organizational processes.

The results of the pilot register-based census have been very auspicious and promising. Thus, the NSI is combining data from administrative registers with data from the traditional census to produce the final census outputs.

This combined census initiative and the implementation of the SIREE system represent a paradigm shift in census methodologies in Latin America and the Caribbean, showcasing Uruguay's commitment to advancing data accuracy, efficiency, and comprehensiveness. The comparative analysis between traditional and register-based approaches promises valuable insights, paving the way for future advancements in statistical practices across the region. The SIREE system, with its innovative architecture and methodology, stands as a beacon for other countries seeking to modernize their census processes and enhance the reliability of demographic data.





